City Hunter Jackie Chan Movie

Critic Reviews for City Hunter (Sing si lip yan) All Critics (7). Bad Jackie Chan movie. It's not his style of fighting. Despite all this City Hunter still manages to be crammed with action.

City Hunter Jackie Chan Movie
  • The final anime incarnation of the property, a television movie named The Death of Vicious Criminal Saeba Ryo, released in 1999. Three live-action movies based on City Hunter released throughout the 90s including City Hunter starring Jackie Chan in 1993.
  • City Hunter (1993) City Hunter is a 1993 action comedy adaptation of the popular manga series of the same name, which had previously been adapted in a 1987 Anime series. The film stars Jackie Chan as a secret crime fighter who finds himself battling a team of terrorists aboard a luxury liner.

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City Hunter (城市獵人; Sing si lip yan) is a 1993 Hong Kong martial arts action comedy Live-Action Adaptation of the Japanese manga of the same name. It was directed by Wong Jing, produced by Paragon Films and filmed by Golden Way Films Co. Ltd. The film starred an international cast that included Hong Kong superstar Jackie Chan as Ryo Saeba a.k.a. City Hunter.

To most audiences it's best known for the scene where Ryo gets knocked into an arcade machine and begins seeing himself as various Street Fighter II characters, and his opponent as Ken.

City Hunter Movie Jackie Chan

For the 2019 French film, see City Hunter: The Cupid's Perfume.


All Of Jackie Chan Movies

This film adaptation includes examples of:

  • Bishie Sparkle: The Chick Magnet card shark played by idol singer Leon Lai can generate his own.
  • Bits of Me Keep Passing Out: Ryo's arms go numb after blocking Col. Mac's attacks for a while.
  • Bowdlerise: Most character names got Anglicized in the dub.
  • The Cameo: Michael Wong as Ryo's old partner in the super-abridged backstory opening.
  • Chekhov's Skill: Kiyoko is shown on a balance beam while her father is explaining that she's missing. These skills come in handy later on, as she avoids capture.
  • Chew Toy: Both Saeko's friend and Kaori/Carrie's Hopeless Suitor.
  • Chivalrous Pervert: Ryo himself, to an extent. He does his best to honor his best friend's last request and not seduce her, at least.
  • Colonel Badass: More like Colonel Big Bad, but still.
  • Dance Battler: Ryo twirls Saeko/Anna around like they're dancing, while firing the gun still holstered to her leg.
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  • Death Dealer: The Gambler throws cards and can cut, wound, or maim by kicking them.
  • 'Die Hard' on an X: The main plot takes place on a cruse ship.
  • Double Standard: Abuse, Female on Male: Played straight with Kaori towards Ryo. Averted with many of the female characters, who get hit on a regular basis by the bad guys.
  • Dual Tonfas: The final duel between Ryo and the Big Bad has them using dual nightsticks, which is effectively the same.
  • Extreme Sport Excuse Plot: Not the movie itself, but the early scenes in the skatepark.
  • Gag Boobs: One of the two female agents on the cruise. She's been trained with guns, but her aim drags a bit low...
  • Giant Mook: Ryo takes inspiration from Bruce Lee's fight against Kareem Abdul Jabbar from Game of Death, which happens to be playing in the theater where they're fighting.
  • Hand Cannon: See Prop Recycling... the Big Bad's gun is the same giant pistol used by RoboCop.
  • Hyperspace Mallet: Ryo gets hit with one at the end of the film by Kaori.
  • I Know Mortal Kombat: Ryo channels various Street Fighter II characters after he gets knocked into an arcade machine (this is presumably mostly in his head), but eventually wins by channeling Chun Li.
  • Ignored Enamored Underling: Kaori/Carrie. In the backstory, Ryo's best friend made him promise not to touch his sister. This is the result.
  • Improbable Aiming Skills: Par for course, he's still the City Hunter.
  • Kingpin in His Gym: We see The Dragon warming up for a bit long before he actually fights.
  • Kissing Cousins: Averted, Kaori/Carrie's suitor happens to be her cousin; she is merely using him to make Ryo jealous.
  • Leaning on the Fourth Wall: In the fight scene in the theater, Game of Death is playing on the screen. Ryo uses Bruce's moves from the film to varying effect. At the end of the fight scene, Ryo compliments Bruce's performance, and Bruce responds in kind (obviously using recycled footage and a dub voice as this was made 20 years after Bruce's death...)
  • Not Distracted by the Sexy: One of the ladies attempts to flirt with a henchman. He immediately responds by kicking her away. However, he does show interestin one of the guys...
  • Pac-Man Fever: An extremely minor example, but while Ryo gets knocked into the Street Fighter II arcade machine, the sound effects and music that follow are from the SNES version, which is noticeably different (though more familiar with those who grew up on the SNES version).
  • Running Gag: Will Ryo Saeba ever get to eat something?
  • She's All Grown Up: Kaori/Carrie... the movie begins with backstory showing her as a young girl, and then before Ryo knows, she's grown into a lovely young woman, which makes his promise to her brother not to seduce her that much harder.
  • Stone Wall: Ryo take absurd amount of punishment during finall boss fight
  • The Television Talks Back: After Ryo imitated Bruce Lee's moves from Game of Death which happens to be playing in the theater where he fought and defeated a Giant Mook, Ryo playfully thanks Bruce, who unexpectedly thank him back, prompting Ryo to run away from the theater.
  • Those Two Guys: Comediac musician duo Softhard show up as background characters throughout the movie.
  • World of Ham: This movie relies heavily on this trope, such as during the Street Fighter II fight.

City Hunter Jackie Chan Movie Download
