Hi guys Any one that can help me with this How to redirect a serial com to a. Redirect a serial com to a KVM machine on Proxmox'. TtyS0 is the serial port that. Virtualized Pfsense on Proxmox: Dedicated NIC with passthrough or VLAN the WAN traffic? The two options seem to be either I pass a NIC to the Pfsense client and connect that directly, or I could try plugging the WAN into my Dell 2724 and VLAN the traffic into the PFsense client through Proxmox. Pass a USB serial adapter through to a Win98. And attempted to pass the parallel port through in. You have to tell Windows to use the viostor driver from the driver image. Configuring USB Pass-through in Proxmox VE (out-of-the-box solution) I have made some tests in my test environment. The server was runnning Proxmox VE 1.8. There no options available within the web gui to configure usb pass-through so far. You will need to. Map hardware USB port Find out physical port parameters (bus and port) Through Qemu/KVM tool (simpler). Proxmox 2.x and later.
I am wondering if it is possible to run FreeNAS on Proxmox with the disks passed through to the FreeNAS vm (similar to RDM)?
I currently run a similar set up with OMV, however, I like the look of some of the features that ZFS gives me.
My host does not support vt-D and I do not have a HBA, otherwise I would do it properly.
The other possibility is running my router on a separate box (old i5 with 6GB of ram), however, I would still like to run a Windows DC, which from my understanding I cannot run on FreeNAS. Other than Windows, it sounds like most if not all of my other services can run in jails (similar to containers in Proxmox?).
There is a possibility I might be able to run FreeNAS on my current server, and Proxmox on the second host (and then be able to run the router and Windows at the same time) however I would have to look into this.
Specs for the server:
i3 4150 16 GB non-ECC RAM Intel i350-t4 NIC 7 3TB drives 1 1TB (OS) drive
Proxmox Serial Port Pass Through Costs
Second box:
Proxmox Serial Port Pass Through Cost
i5 650 6GB DDR3 non-ECC no HDD (possibly 250GB SSD)
Note: Just tested (as I wasn't sure) but when rebooting the Proxmox host, the raid arrays get messed up in OMV and have to reinitialize (I do not lose data on a mirror, but will probably lose data on any other array). It looks like my 2 options are therefore ZFS on Proxmox (and setting up shares manually). Or switching it up and putting FreeNAS directly on the primary machine, and running Proxmox on the secondary machine.
I would love some advice, thanks!
Hey Homelab, I’m in the process of setting up a nice little ESXi or Proxmox server to work on and learn with. I just purchased a Supermicro MBD-X10SLL-F motherboard as my base. I chose this because it has 2 intel NICs and a dedicated IPMI port for some delicious KVM action.
I need help choosing the rest of the components of the system. Here are the components that I have:
PCPartPicker part list / Price breakdown by merchant
Type | Item | Price |
Memory | Kingston HyperX 8GB (2 x 4GB) DDR3-1600 Memory | $135.44 @ Amazon |
Storage | Crucial M500 120GB 2.5' Solid State Drive | $72.98 @ Newegg |
Storage | Western Digital Red 3TB 3.5' 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive | $113.98 @ OutletPC |
Storage | Western Digital Red 3TB 3.5' 5400RPM Internal Hard Drive | $113.98 @ OutletPC |
Video Card | EVGA GeForce GTX 750 Ti 2GB Video Card | $124.99 @ NCIX US |
Total | ||
Prices include shipping, taxes, and discounts when available | $561.37 | |
Generated by PCPartPicker 2015-02-11 10:32 EST-0500 |
I’m located in Europe and I’m paying 28 cents / kWh so I would like to have this server as efficient as possible; therefore, I'd like to go with an Intel CPU. I was thinking about getting the ultra-efficient picoPSU 160 XT because it is efficient and fanless (I want this server as quiet as possible!)
What I'd like to learn / do:
Replace my power hungry i7 3770k desktop with a virtualized Windows 8.1 desktop which will be running on the server. I would like to very occasionally game on the PC so I’m guessing a CPU with VT-d to pass through the Nvidia 750 ti GPU to the virtual machine?
Set up pfsense as my main firewall and to handle VPN connections
Set up some form of NAS to run couchpotato, headphones, sickbeard, and nzbget (Xphenology, FreeNAS, Openmediavault, etc)
Have some sort of automatic backup options of the virtual machines
Have room to run a few more virtual machines mostly linux distros.
Other remarks:
I’m trying to get around using a hardware RAID because the drives are ALWAYS on and running which eat up considerable energy but if this isn’t possible, I’ll pick up a card and maybe an extra hard drive.

I don’t necessarily NEED ECC ram, but I’m not sure if my motherboard supports non-ECC. Is 8gb enough?