- Vb Simple Calculator Program Source Codes
- Visual Basic Calculator Program Code
- Vb Simple Calculator Program Source Code Free
- Vb Calculator Source Code
- Calculator In Vb
- Simple Calculator Program In Java
- Vb Simple Calculator Program Source Code 2017
Simple VB.Net Calculator. Hope this simple calculator will help you guys who are beginner in visual basic 2005. Can any one help me design and code in visual basic for the calculator in windows seven. Reply; Anonymous (not verified) Mon, - 07:12. Do you have source code, articles, tutorials or thesis to share? Visual basic code simple calculator simple calculator using visual basic dll simple calculator using vb visual basic program for simple calculator visual basic calculator source code How to make a. Its ur boy Samath once again. Today I am going to show you how to build a Calculator. It is recommended that you get the visual studio environment. If you don't understand the code don't be afraid to ask questions by leaving a comment below.
Once you've learned how to work with a variety of data types, declare variables, …do math and create reasonable code blocks. …You have enough skills in Visual Basic to build a very simple application. …This finished application is called the Simple Calculator. …I'll run the application and show that it has more of a traditional calculator user …interface than previous exercises. I'll type in a value of 5. …And another value of 2.5. And then go through the various operations. …I'll add them together and see a result of 7.5.…
Then I'll subtract and get 2.5 multiply and divide. …Then I'll change the values so that the first value is less than the second one. …And subtract and see that I get a result that's now red showing that it's negative. …And then finally I'll try a divide by zero. …And I get an expected error message of divide by zero. …So let's take a look at how all this code is put together. …This application is similar to a previous exercise in that it handles four …operations, adding, subtracting, multiplying and dividing.…
Vb Simple Calculator Program Source Codes
Helpful Tip:
- On the properties toolbox set in alphabetical order. Refer to the picture of the Toolbox, green circle.
Step 1: Click anywhere on the form
Visual Basic Calculator Program Code
Step 2: In the properties window, under the Text property, type Simple Calculator
Step 3: In the properties window, under the StartPosition property, select CenterScreen
Step 4: In the properties window, under FormBorderStyle, select Fixed3D

Step 5: Click and drag a label from the Toolbox to the form
Step 6: While the label is selected, in the properties window, under the Text property, type Simple Calculator. Note: Since this label is the main text describing the text, you can change the size and boldness of the text under the Font property in the properties window but is not required for this project
Step 7: Proceed to do this for the following labels (5) and place them accordingly. Name them: Operators, Operation, Operand 1, Operand 2, and Result (See picture) Note: Objects can either be dragged or double clicked to be placed onto the GUI
Step 8: Click and drag a button from the Toolbox
Step 9: Place it under the “Operators” label.
Step 10: While the button is selected, in the properties window, under the Name property, enter btnAdd
Step 11: Then under the Text property, enter a + sign
Step 12: Click and drag a TextBox from the ToolBox beside the “Operand 1” label (See picture)
Step 13: While the TextBox is selected, in the properties window, under the Name property, enter txtOperand1
Step 14: Repeat Step 12 but place the second TextBox beside the “Operand 2” label (See picture)
Step 15: Repeat Step 13 but name it txtOperand2
Vb Simple Calculator Program Source Code Free
Step 16: Click and drag a label between the two text boxes (See picture)
Step 17: While the label is selected, in the properties window, under the Name property, enter lblOperator
Step 18: Delete the text property of lblOperator so that it is blank
Step 19: Under 9the AutoSize property, select False. Note: This lets you resize the label at your desire
Step 20: Under the BorderStyle property select Fixed3D
Vb Calculator Source Code
Step 21: Click and drag another label beside the “Result” label
Step 22: Repeat Step 17, name it lblDisplay
Step 23: Repeat Step 18 and Step 19
Step 24: Click and drag a button from the Toolbox below the “Result” label (See picture)
Step 25: While button is selected, in the properties window, under the Name property, enter btnClear
Step 26: Change the text property for the Clear button to Clear
Step 27: Click and drag a button from the Toolbox beside the Clear button (See picture)
Calculator In Vb
Step 28: While button is selected, in the properties window, under the Name property, enter btnExit
Simple Calculator Program In Java
Step 29: Change the text property for the Clear button to Exit
Vb Simple Calculator Program Source Code 2017
Step 30: Enter the following code by double clicking on each button to open the code window: