3d Plants Made From Recycled Materials

  • Owlcation»

Apr 15, 2015  Special recycling plants separate out the polymers from the, er, organic waste, and these polymers can then be used to ceate fibre-based construction materials like the tiles in the image above. Image: Gert de Mulder. These colourful bricks are made from old plastic bags, which are notoriously difficult to recycle in any other way. A great gift idea that makes use of recycled materials found around the home. Containers Kids Can Make as Gifts Kids can recycle as they turn trash into treasure for teachers, grandparents and friends. Jan 17, 2019  33 Impossibly Cute DIYs You Can Make With Things From Your Recycling Bin. The ones from this tutorial were made from limited. These adorable planters are made from recycled.

Learn About Cells the Fun and Easy Way!

You don't need to be an award-winning painter, baker, or sculptor to create an awesome 3D cell model for science class—and have FUN while doing it!

In this step-by-step guide, you'll find a complete list of plant and animal cell organelles, suggestions for edible and non-edible project materials, how-to videos, and photos of cell models to inspire you.

Whether you're building this model for science class, a science fair, or a homeschool project, your 3D cell model is sure to impress.

Let's get started!

Step 1: Choose Plant Cell vs. Animal Cell

First and foremost, you need to decide whether you will create a plant cell or animal cell.

Plant cells and animal cells are shaped differently and contain different parts.

The best way to decide? Take a look at some cell diagrams on an interactive site like CellsAlive.com. This site offers awesome animations of both plant and animal cells with descriptions of each organelle.

How to Make a Styrofoam Plant Cell Model

Step 2: Choose Edible vs. Non-Edible Model

Next, you should decide whether you want your cell model to be edible or not.

  • Edible cell models can be eaten (yum!) and are often made with cake, large cookies, Rice Krispie Treats, Jell-O, berries, or candies (e.g., M&Ms, gummy worms, jelly beans, etc.).
  • Non-edible cell modelscannot be eaten and are often made with everyday craft supplies like styrofoam, pipe cleaners, shower gel, string, Play-Doh, or modeling clay.

There are pros and cons to each type of project. Consider how much money you want to spend, which supplies you already have in your home, your teacher's requirements, and the length of time your project will be on display (edible items may eventually rot, smell, or attract bugs). Also, consider your plans for after the school project or science fair is over. Do you hope to save the cell model in the basement or garage with other treasured mementos? Weigh your options carefully and choose your project accordingly.

Items Made From Recycled Material

Tip: If you are building your 3D model for school, check with your teacher to make sure an edible cell model is ok before you take the time to make it!

Jewelry Made From Recycled Materials

Step 3: Consider the Parts of the Cell

Now you need to make a list of all the parts, or organelles, that need to be included in your 3D cell model.

Organelles are the 'mini organs' that are found inside every plant and animal cell.

Each organelle has a different function and physical appearance, and together they work to keep the cell alive.

While plant and animal cells share many of the same organelles, including the nucleus, Golgi apparatus, and mitochondria, there are a few key differences. Check out the chart below to see which organelles are found where.

Parts of the Animal Cell vs. Plant Cell

Animal Cell
Cell Membrane
Central Vacuole
Cell Wall

Animal Cell Model Inspiration

Click thumbnail to view full-size

Step 4: Choose Your Materials

Here's where the real fun begins! It's time to decide which materials you will use to create each organelle.

Activity: To power up your creativity, set a timer for two minutes. During that time, write down every possible material you can think of. Here's a short list to get you thinking outside the box:

  • Edible Materials: Twizzlers, Skittles, gummy worms, jawbreakers, gum, pretzels, marshmallows, cereal, cake, cookies, chocolate chips, Jell-O, icing or fondant, sprinkles, food coloring
  • Non-Edible Materials: Clay, styrofoam, beads, yarn, twine, dry noodles, dry beans, pipe cleaners, buttons, rubber bands, toothpicks, construction paper, cardboard

Hint: The best materials are ones that already look like the organelles you're trying to create. For example, the nucleus in any cell is always round, so a jawbreaker, bouncy ball, or orange would each make a great nucleus in your cell model.

Plant Cell Model Inspiration

Click thumbnail to view full-size

Step 5: Build Your Model

As you begin building, make sure to start with the base of your 3D cell model. Why? Because you need to know how big to make everything, of course!

Once you've baked your cake, bought your styrofoam block, or sculpted your clay foundation, you can build those beautiful organelles. This is where your creativity can really shine—so have fun and don't forget to keep a diagram of the organelles nearby! Having a diagram on hand will ensure that your cell model is not only super cool to look at but also scientifically accurate.

Once all of your organelles are securely attached to the base of your model, label the organelles. Toothpicks and stickers make great labels, and they let everyone know what's what on your cell model.

How to Make an Animal Cell Model

A Deeper Understanding

School Projects Made From Recycled Materials

Building a cell model should deepen your understanding of the cell and all of its distinct parts. It's also important to understand the functions of each part and how they work together. Let's take a closer look:


Organelle: Any specialized structure inside the cell.

Cell Membrane: Composed of a double lipid bilayer, the cell membrane separates and protects the cell from its environment, regulates the movement of molecules in and out of the cell, and provides structure to the cell.

Cytoplasm: The semifluid substance that fills the cell. All of the cell's organelles are suspended inside the cytoplasm.

Nucleus: Where the cell's genetic information, or DNA, is stored. The nucleus is like the 'brain' of the cell; it issues instructions about what the cell should do next.

Nucelar Membrane: Also called the nuclear envelope, this is the membrane that encloses the nucleus. Like the cell membrane, the nuclear membrane is composed of a double lipid bilayer.

Products Made From Recycled Materials

Golgi Apparatus: Responsible for taking proteins and lipids within the cell and modifying, packaging, and transporting them via vesicles to other places within the cell. Also called the Golgi body or Golgi complex.

Mitochondria: Responsible for energy production within the cell. The mitochondria generate a special energy molecule called ATP, which stands for adenosine triphosphate.

Endoplasmic Reticulum: Similar to the Golgi apparatus, the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) serves as a center for the synthesis, modification, and transport of proteins. There are two types: the rough ER and smooth ER, which are characterized by certain physical and functional differences.

Ribosomes: Floating freely in the cytoplasm, ribosomes are molecules that are responsible for synthesizing proteins.

Vacuoles: Storage facilities for the cell. Vacuoles play a role in storing food and water, and they also facilitate detoxification (sequestering harmful materials) and the removal of waste products.

Central Vacuole: Found only in plant cells, this is a large vacuole that stores water and helps maintain optimal turgor pressure within the cell.

Lysosomes: As the cell's digestive system, lysosomes contain enzymes to digest (break down) macromolecules, old cell parts, and microorganisms. Lysosomes are found only in animal cells.

Cell Wall: Found only in plant cells, the cell wall surrounds the cell membrane. The cell wall is stiff and rigid, and it provides additional protection and support to the cell.

3d Plants Made From Recycled Materials

Chloroplasts: Found only in plant cells, chloroplasts produce food (energy) for the cell by converting sunlight, carbon dioxide, and water into sugars. This process is called photosynthesis. The sunlight-absorbing molecules inside the chloroplast are called chlorophyll.

Parts of a Cell Song

Test Your Knowledge With a Quiz

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Are You Satisfied With Your School Project?

Now that you've completed your project, the time has come to admire the sheer brilliance that is your finished 3D cell model. If you chose to make an edible cell model, it might also be time to break out the forks and spoons (after your teacher has had time to grade it, of course). Yum!

One More Song (This One's a Rap!)

This content is accurate and true to the best of the author’s knowledge and is not meant to substitute for formal and individualized advice from a qualified professional.

Crafts Using Recycled Materials

© 2011 wildsimplicity

  • I need to make idible plant cells

  • Can you give me a easy model of human and animal cell but please as soon as possible and please l want a video that I can make by clay

  • I dont inderstand how you guys are doinh this at alot im tring to draw one for my project but j cant i need serious help

  • you guys are trash on fortnite dont worry i am to but your worse

  • i don't like that is gav me 9000000k v-bucks on fortnite

  • this is amazing

  • We are doing this tookimunhbg

  • everyone dont believe it not helping

  • this is not good info

  • Lysosomes are found in both plants and animal cells

  • how to do it

  • this helped a lot. so much fun

  • i hate this because i dont want to do it again we did it three years ago

  • I have to do this for a school project and I’m sad yet excited. But I also have an essay and have to present both without looking at my essay... :/

  • Idiot

  • this was cool i am a very amazed dude right now man

    coolest thingy ever fam

  • need help to make a 3d plant cell and animal cell model project. thanks.

  • Don't have enough time to do this but would be helpful if I had more time

  • Thanks!

  • Hellose people and I want you to say that this really helped me and that it really worked, so I think I will get a good grade on this.

  • very easy

  • I made this and threw it at my brother. Very good weapon. Lighting it on fire and sticking needles in it next time. Advised for bullies.

  • This wasn't very helpful because it doesn't have a how-to or a supply list. Maybe add them next time

  • this totally helped us with our idea for possible designs. not with a supply list, which is what i was looking for. perhaps add a supply list or a rough idea? that would help us much more than an idea for a design.

  • Um... Not very helpful

  • good

  • You can use a round styrofoam ball cut 1/4 out paint it the colors above. And label it with the check list above use strips of paper glued to toothpicks to lable.

  • hey if any one can see this can they please help me out. i need to make a animal cell but i don/t know what do use and how to set out my deign project so can ya help me out to plan my design please i need you to reply asap because it is due tomorrow 1:20 please i really need help with this please please please help me (:(:(:(:(:(:(:(: ps: who ever reply first wins 1,0000 millon dollars yay come on first one wins(:(:(:

  • this stuff looks super awesome, I can't wait to try it.

  • this helped a lot thx u and jeff shut up dude

  • This helped me alot

  • cool thanks

  • thus is helpfull since i have a project due tommorrow but idk what tge labels are

  • thank you very helpful in school

  • I have 1 weekend to do my/a 3D animal cell project due on May 1st.


  • I got an f+ on my project because they found out that I copied one

  • i hadnt started the project yet but im positive that i will succeed due to the help ive got.im in level 9 and i really want to get a A+

  • This really helped me get an idea of what I was going to do.

  • I love these projects so much I acaullly use one and copyed it for my project thank you for your hard work to copy.

  • thank you very much .I really appreciated because that really help me with my project and i will do the same thing as you guys did and i will tell you what i got for my project.Thank you and thank you very much ,God bless all of yall in here and hope you have a nice day.Reply and like my Comment for me and that really going to help me .


  • This is great i will get an A+ for sure!

  • i dont get this

  • Awesome! Thanks so much!

  • Thank you for these great ideas! They will truly be beneficial to my granddaughter as she creates her own plant or animal cell.

  • nice info

  • Thanks this helped a lot with my science project on 3d cell models.

  • u did nt show what stuff u need to use for a science project

  • hey very weird how you found that, but it helped me so much. thank you!!!!

  • This really helped, but my science teacher is strict and doesn't allow edible cells, which I really wanted to do

  • This was so much help with my thingy for high school! Calypso helped me make it though :p ALL DA LADIES LUV LEO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :p

  • I followed this and got an A+ on my project thanks so much!!

  • the cake is a lie

  • can u help me , please

  • well you see i have this project at my school about this animal and plant cell in 3d and i want to get a good grade on my first ever three d model of it and i want you the viewers of this message to send me some good and good grade models and if you have designed one and you got a good grade on it send me a pick of it

  • I am trying to build a cell model of a melanoma cell. I can't find any images that show what the cell looks like. Any ideas?

  • Not yet... Thanks a lot for sharing this wonderful lens!!!

  • I remember making an edible plant cell out of candy in grade 9 science. One of the best science projects ever :)