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If you are using CiscoWorks, enter the IP address or the host name of the CiscoWorks server. HOLIDAY_MGR Holiday Manager. You may click Export to download the. I recently installed a new version of ciscoworks on the windows server. All the subparts (e.g RME, DFM etc )have been installed properly.Now I am having problems adding or discovering any device on the network although I am able to telnet to the main router from the. I recently installed a new version of ciscoworks on the windows server. All the subparts (e.g RME, DFM etc )have been installed properly.Now I am having problems adding or discovering any device on the network although I am able to telnet to the main router from the same server.it somehow wont discover it on CW.
This article is the third in a series (See Hack Tips: Blackberry Enterprise Server and Hack Tips: Good For Enterprise) covering, step-by-step, practical post-exploitation tips that can be used to get the most out of various common network servers. This week’s victim is CiscoWorks. Compromising this server allows the attacker to remotely control network devices and dump all device configurations.
Even though CiscoWorks is End of Life (EOL)--replaced by Cisco Prime Infrastructure (CPI), we still see this management product present in many environments--thus is it still useful to know how to get the goods from Works.
Overall, the process involves the following steps:
- Identifying a CiscoWorks Server
- Obtaining CiscoWorks Administrator Credentials
- Interfacing with the CiscoWorks Web Interface
- Interfacing with the CiscoWorks Command Line Interface
- Dumping configs from CiscoWorks
- Host naming scheme
- CiscoWorksBox
- Application Directory
C:Program Files (x86)CSCOpx
- User accounts
- causer (Ciscoworks anonymous access user)
- causer (Ciscoworks anonymous access user)
- Services
- These Windows services are started:
- Dump the local Windows password hashes and crack them
- Windows Credential Editor (WCE) by Amplia Security
- hashdump a post-exploitation module in the Metasploit framework:
- gsecdump by TrueSec
- fgdump by fizzgig
- Data mine the Cisco works box for .bat and .txt files that contain plaintext credentials. This is surprisingly successful, network engineers are usually responsible for managing Ciscoworks and they are notorious for being security ignorant. We recently found a test .bat file that was using ut.exe (a Ciscoworks tool) that disclosed the Cisco Works credentials in plain-text.
findstr /I /S /M pass c:*
dir /a /s /b c:*pass*
Next we'll take a look out how we can interact with Ciscoworks and pull data from it.
Using the Ciscoworks Web Interface
CiscoWorks interface and options post-authentication
Source: http://www.netadmin.calpoly.edu/tools/cv-images/homepage.jpg
Surf to either of the URLs below for nice screenshots and great summarizations
- http://hostname:1741
- https://hostname
From the local system, you can confirm Ciscoworks is listening by checking for a listener on TCP 1741, or TCP 443:
Using the Ciscoworks Command line Application
The Ciscoworks command line application (
) have tons of options, including remotely running commands on devices! This could be very useful for an attacker, just use it with caution, because it could really get you into trouble if you don't know what you're doing!
is more or less straightforward, but you'll definitely have to check out the -help
for all features.Dumping Device Configs from CiscoWorks
One note worthy feature ofcwclie.exe
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is its ability to dump device configurations from the command line! If you had an unlimited amount of time, you could obtain every config from every device on the network. Here's how to tellcwclie.exe
to grab those configs. The
character is a wild card when using 
. Using this, you could potentially dump all configuration from all Ciscoworks-managed devices! Just note that this could take a really long time on a large network. Also, its probably worth while for us to note that as a general best practice, system administrators should never use the Ciscoworks Download Device Package Holidays 2018
option and specify the password on the command line -- this includes within scripts.And just to confirm we dumped some configurations: