Virtual COM port (USB CDC)¶ A virtual serial port which can be used for communications between a computer and the target application. Available whenever the J-Link USB cable is connected to a computer. Issuu is a digital publishing platform that makes it simple to publish magazines, catalogs, newspapers, books, and more online. Easily share your publications and get them in front of Issuu’s. Jun 15, 2017 If your search for the needful drivers of efm32 usb cdc serial port device appeared to be vain, don’t rack. CDC EEM cdc_ether. USB CDC Ethernet devices cdc_ncm. Complete implementation of all necessary USB Classes including: CDC ACM (Modem), OBEX, CDC ACM (COM Port),CDC ECM, CDC NCM, RmNet (QMI) Full support for all popular PC and Embedded Host operating systems including: Windows XP/Vista/7/8, Mac OSX 10.5/6/7/8/8.1, Linux, Windows CE 5/6/7.
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The STM32 USBHID example program shows how to configure and use the USB peripheral of STMicroelectronics STM32F103xx microcontroller.
This USB example project implements a Human Interface Device that connects via the USB interface to the PC. A Human Interface Device (HID) does not require any special USB driver, since the HID support is already built into Windows 2000 and Windows XP. Therefore HID devices can be directly connected to the computer.
The configuration of the clocks is done using the Configuration Wizard in file STM32_Init.c.
The example is tesed with the Keil Evaluation Board MCBSTM32.

Refer to Running USBHID for information on how to operate this example project.
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Pci Serial Port Driver
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- Low cost - TBD should be affordable enough to use as a component in a project
- Easy to program - TBD's functionality should be controllable through a minimum of coding. TBD's dev tools should require a minimum of effort to install and configure
- I/O support - TBD's I/O pins should encompass as many hardware inferfaces as possible. At a minimum TBD should support 1 channel each of SPI, I2C, and UART though not necessarily at once.
- Upgradable - TBD should be programmable by a USB host using simple tools
- Unbrickable - TBD's micro should contain a bootloader in ROM that can be forced to run by hardware strap
- Small - TBD should be as small as possible so that it can be always available in a portable toolkit
The TBD board connects a USB host to 6 I/O pins by way of a Freescale KL27Z ARM microcontroller. TBD's PCB is sized so that it plugs directly into a USB port, and has pads so that no additional USB connector is needed. A plastic shim on the opposite side of the USB-A pads insulates the PCB from the port frame and improves the fit and contact with the port. I/O is exposed on an 8 pin 0.100' pitch dual row pin header. The header is an SMT right angle style that minimizes the overall length of TBD. Overall height of the PCB and header leaves sufficient clearance for other USB plugs above and below the board when plugged into a stacked USB-A port.
A Freescale Kinetis MKL27Z256VFM4 microcontroller is at the heart of TBD. Few other components are required: bypass caps, USB and LED current limiter resistors, connectors, and the LED are the only other parts on the PCB. The KL27Z micro contains a 48MHz ARM Cortex-M0+, 256K flash, 32K RAM, various peripherals, 5V to 3.3V linear regulator, and a 16K Kinetis Bootloader ('Kibble') ROM. An internal trimmed oscillator provides the core and most of the peripheral clocks, while the USB device interface is 'clockless' by way of clock recovery from the USB host, so no external crystal is needed. The on-chip 3.3V LDO steps down the USB bus power to the 3.3V chip supply, and is available on the I/O header to power low current devices.
The I/O header exposes ground and 3.3V as well as 6 pins that are multiplexed for GPIO, I2C, SPI, FlexIO (Freescale generic serial interface), UART, timer, and ADC. One pin (I2C1_SDA) is sampled by the micro on power-on and will force the ROM bootloader to run if pulled low. This pin is situated next to GND so that a 2 pin jumper can be fitted over both. All I/Os on the header are directly connected to the micro without any current limiting, filtering, or other protection. This is common and almost expected for other similar micro dev boards.
(todo: insert pin map / mux table)
An LED connected to one of the GPIOs can be used by software for status.
The PCB is made with all SMD components located on one side except for the header. Stencil / paste / reflow is used to solder the component side, while the header is hand soldered. The LED and passives are all 0603 size, while the micro uses the 5x5x1mm QFN-32 package.
Toolchain : mbed
Coding for TBD is done using the mbed library. The plan is that eventually (somehow?) TBD will be supported in the mbed web-based online IDE, making development possible with nothing more than a browser.
Rs232 Serial Port Driver
For now the mbed library can build TBD-compatible projects offline using the KL43 target, a package variant of the silicon used in TBD. This takes much more effort to use than the online IDE, and detracts from the convenience factor TBD promises.
The Freescale KDS / KSDK IDE can be used as an alternative, but is also not as simple as the mbed online IDE.
Flashing : kut
kut is a Chrome browser app that uploads new firmware to the KL27 micro in TBD over USB. Uploading new firmware to TBD with kbl is as simple as choosing a file from the local disk, putting a jumper over two pins on TBD (clearly marked in the silkscreen), and plugging TBD into the PC. As a local Chrome app, kut can access certain USB devices and local files without needing device...
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