How To Install Windows 95 Using Cd As Collateral

I have a furniture manufacturer that has a router with a win95 box controlling it. I had the unit connected to the network but they decided to move the machine. The 'self-proclaimed' computer genius maintenance man tried to reconnect it but had the cord in the wrong NIC so he deleted/removed/uninstalled all network connections. I'm able to reinstall the NIC but the TCP/IP Internet Connection is gone under Network Connections and requires the Win95 disks to reinstall.
Will the setup disk only do an initial installation or will it give me an option to repair the current installation?

'It is better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than open it and remove all doubt'
Mark Twain
How To Install Windows 95 Using Cd As Collateral

Using Platform LSF on Windows 9 Typographical Conventions Command Notation Typeface Meaning Example Courier The names of on-screen computer output, commands, files, and directories The lsid command Bold Courier What you type, exactly as shown Type cd /bin Italics Book titles, new words or terms, or words to be emphasized.

  1. Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 95 or Windows 98; SQL*Net Client 2.3.4 * The correct protocol adapter for your network (for example, Oracle TCP/IP Adapter 2.3.4 for a TCP/IP network)* SQL*Plus 3.3.4 * * available from the Oracle Designer product CD. If you are installing under Windows NT, an Administrator account will be required.
  2. Go ahead, install that off the original disks and see if it has CD support. ANY copy of DOS does not come with CD support OOB. Everyone one here isn't necessarily going to be using DOS from a boot disk from Windows.

How To Install Windows 95 On Virtualbox

I am helping out a large Infants Primary Public School who have quite a number of older computers that are malfunctioning [They having problems of having no computers for some of the classrooms] These Computers used in class rooms by five to six year old students who supervised by teachers using educational programs.
They have a number of Windows 95 which have been some time ago had been updated to Windows 98SE.
Can you direct me with a 'link' to articles of instructions so as to enable me to do a 'Clean' Install of the Windows 98SE on these Windows 95.
Yes I did search this afternoon on the internet and somehow could not find a reference to same. Most references relate to only to install over Windows 95???
Also please advise can you reformat the hard drive and then do a clean restore with Windows 98SE
I know you would understand that there are quite a number of schools out there with only limited funds and I am willing to help them out! They have been able to supply me with the Program Disks!
Your help would be appreciated
Colin Darby [Australia]