Re: invalid or incomplete DXF input - drawing discarded Hi, I'm also having the same problem. But I wonder why I can open these DXF files in Intellicad and Progecad but not in Autocad. Exported DXF from QGIS won't open in AutoCAD. Ask Question 6. Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded. Then saved an ESRI-Shape in QGIS, opened it in dxfAuthor and saved a DXF. It was no problem to open this DXF in AutoCAD. For now this may be a solution, but i think, when QGIS offers the possibility to save a DXF, CAD. Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded. The DXF file was generated using a dos package called WAM (Wavemaker 3), which is probably to blame, but if anyone knows a way of loading this. AutoCAD 2010:: Invalid Or Incomplete DXF Input - Drawing Discarded? AutoCAD Visual LISP / AutoLISP:: Invalid Or Incomplete DXF Input - Drawing Discarded AutoCAD Civil 3D:: Invalid Input Message Trying To Create Curve Between Two Lines.
 Hydros, Eberick e Lumine.gif)
You have a DXF file created in other software.It is not possible to open it on any AutoCAD and seems like it is issue in DXF file order or content.
On the command line while opening it shows
Improper table entry name '(some entry name containing space)' on line 42.
Invalid or incomplete DXF input -- drawing discarded.
The name which caused the problem in DXF includes the space.Invalid Or Incomplete Dxf Dwg Input File
Edit DXF file in text application like notepad or notepad ++.Find the name shown in the message and remove the space form it.
Save the file as DXF and try open it again.